Skin lightening pills that work -
Everyone wants to flaunt a lighter skin tone. Natural membrane lighteners inhibit the production of melanin in your body, which consequently provides you a fairer covering. Especially due to exposure to sun, pregnancy and birth pills, people suffer from darkening of skin, which can be easily treated by applying creams. The urge to look good drives many people for indulging into wrong techniques such as laser surgeries and injections, which can be extremely dangerous for your body in the long run.

One of the most important ingredients of skin lightener is hydroquinone, which can also be extremely harmful for your membrane. This constituent can cause deadly disorders such as leukemia, thyroid disorders and liver damage. FDA allows only 2 % hydroquinone but it is advisable to completely avoid this substance. You can easily use alternatives such as arbutin, tretinoin, alpha hydroxy acids, kojic acids and Vitamin C, which can inhibit the production of Melanin with equal panache. Other harmful ingredients are mercury and steroids. These constituents should be avoided for lightening our skin naturally.
Some of the most effective natural skin lighteners are:
* Honey facemask: You can prepare this natural facemask by blending 1 tsp of milk powder, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp of honey and some almond oil. You can remove it after 15-20 minutes. This technique will lighten your skin tone by clearing your blemishes.
* Mint facemask: Mint leaves paste can be applied to your face for diminishing dark spots and skin discolorations from the comfort and convenience of home.
Meladerm is the newest pigment reducing cream available, which claims to diminish dark spots and skin discolorations within 2 months by inhibiting the production of Melanin. It also claims to treat skin disorders such as melasma and brown spots. The absence of hydroquinone and other harmful substances such as mercury and steroids makes this cream a safe option. Meladerm contains nature-based ingredients such as lemon juice extract, kojic acid, licorice extract, lactic acid, vitamin B3 etc.
Skin bleaching needs to be done with caution & care. To know more about the best skin Lightning creams that work & have no side effects
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