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How to Make Your Skin Whiter? Do Creams & Lotions For Skin Whitening Really Work? Honest Review

Everyone wants to flaunt a whiter complexion. There are various products and treatments available in the market as well as online that can easily make your skin whiter. Yet, it is always advisable to take up natural remedies for enhancing your appearance. How To Make Your Skin whiter? You can easily attain fair complexion by avoiding direct exposure to sunlight. You should apply sunscreen lotions with high SPF daily for preventing harmful UV rays.

A good lifestyle is the key for attaining a clear and natural complexion. You should avoid junk food intake, smoking etc. for rejuvenating your overall look. Drinking plenty of water is mandatory for keeping your body hydrated. You should drink at least 10-12 glasses of water daily.

Does Creams & Lotions For Skin Whitening Really work? Honest Review

There are various over-the-counter creams available that promise to make your skin whiter. You should always check the ingredients before taking up these creams and lotions. You should completely avoid constituents such as Hydroquinone, mercury and steroids. These ingredients can cause various deadly disorders such as leukemia, liver damage and thyroid problems.

Some of the most effective ingredients for skin whitening are Vitamin B3, mulberry extract, bearberry extract, licorice extract, lemon juice extract, emblica powder, kojic acid, lactic acid and glycolic acid. These ingredients not only whitens your appearance but they can also diminish various other dermatological problems such as hyper pigmentation, dark spots, age spots, freckles, scars and birth marks with ease. Meladerm is the only cream that contains all the above ingredients. This ointment claims to diminish dark spots and skin discolorations in 2 weeks.

Skin Whitening needs to be done with caution & care. To know more about the best skin whiteners that work & have no side effects

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